This year so far has been strange to say the least. It started off with good routines and being productive and then somehow that all went to crap. I don’t know why exactly – it just felt like I had run out of steam. To be honest, it felt like a fog that I couldn’t quite work my way through.

What made it more difficult (in my mind) was this year was about reconnecting deeply into creative research through my writing, making and collaborative projects. It has also been time to do some deep reflection to activate spirit and reconnecting to the source energy which leads you on the path you are meant to be journeying on…

I am happy to say that this week I feel like I have turned a corner. Ideas are coming – the challenge though is weaving these ideas into the bigger tapestry of my work across realms. The connections between place, memory is calling to be activated through the water and through the plants that are part of the island paradise we call home – the beautiful Yarun.

This activation has also been encouraged and inspired through friendship and relationship – playing with new technologies, discovering bush food, singing, dancing and noticing the more-than-human people we share our beautiful Yarun with.

The word which comes to me now is gratitude. How lucky, that despite all the tragedy and suffering in this world that we can recognise and appreciate the simple things.

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